We are pleased to announce that the public PhD defence of Aurélia Hernandez, joint doctoral researcher between EPEU-UMONS and UC Louvain will be held on 30/10/2024, 5 PM at l’UCLouvain (Auditoire BARB 91, Place Sainte-Barbe, à 1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE).
Aurélia will present her thesis on “Impact of Hydrogen on Power System Adequacy: Application to the Belgian System in 2030”.
This PhD thesis is supervised by Prof. François Vallée from UMONS and Prof. Emmanuel De Jaeger from UCLouvain.
More info and the link for online participation can be found here: https://web.umons.ac.be/fpms/fr/evenements/defense-publique-de-these-de-doctorat-de-madame-aurelia-hernandez/